Saying Thank You!

Saying Thank You!


‘It is good to give thanks to the Lord’ – Psalm 92:1


The Apostle Paul warned Timothy about an end-time generation that would be “unthankful”.1   People who demand their “rights” regardless of the costs involved, and do not appreciate what has been given to them. Today parents have much more difficulty training their children to say “thank you”, as well-mannered role models in the media are being rapidly replaced by those who are rude, grabbing, immoral, anything goes entertainers. Little wonder when children want to imitate them.

I like to say grace before a meal for several reasons. It allows everyone to start eating at the same time, helping to prevent the preparer from sitting down to eat theirs when everyone else’s plate has been cleared. It reminds us to be thankful that we have something to eat when countless millions around the world live on empty stomachs. It also allows us to say thank you for the one who has prepared the meal. It’s amazing how much quicker it is to eat the meal than to prepare it.

Our text reminds us it is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord. Is the God in heaven so insecure that it affects Him when people do not praise Him? On the contrary, God does not need us but we need Him. Why is it good to say, “Thank you”?

  • There are things we freely receive and enjoy regardless of whether we are a Christian or not.

Rain, sunshine, air, things we take for granted and complain about. It is good to stop, look around at the beauty of creation and say, “Thank God!” The theory of evolution seeks to negate the need to say thank you to a creator.

  • People are doing things for our benefit all the time

Driving us around; holding doors open for us, talking to us, working for us, cooking, cleaning, ironing. The list is endless! Do not just be a taker, say “Thank You” to anyone and everyone. See the effect it will have on them. Remember, the more you are appreciative, the less likely you are to criticise.

  • We all like receiving a “Thank You” too

The Bible encourages us to do to others in the same way we would like them to do to us. We will reap what we sow.2

  • Easter is all about God’s gift of His Son to us

It is all about Jesus, not Easter eggs and bunnies. The decision by chocolate manufacturers to relegate the word “Easter” to the back of the packet is “EGGSACTLY” wrong. What the world forgets is this; whether they like it or not, it is a fact that Jesus was born into this world, and that He died and rose again. Christmas and Easter are facts of life, regardless of how the world tries to ignore and discredit such events.

Another fact about Jesus the world needs to know about is that He is coming again. Returning to our world, this time not as a helpless babe, but as King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

If He is your Lord and Saviour now, then you are ready for such an event. It He is not then it is time to do something about it, before it is too late.

Have you ever said “Thank You” to God for Jesus and what He went through for us at Easter?    If the answer is No”, why not do it right now?


1 – 2 Timothy 3:2                    2 – Galatians 6:7

1 Comment

  1. Receive big “THANK YOU”for your good teachings.

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