Faith To See Your Children Healed!

Faith To See Your Children Healed!


‘O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.’ – Matthew 15:28


Continuing the theme of Great Faith from the previous Today’s Teaching. Now it’s the report about a Syro-Phoenician lady. What heartaches are you carrying concerning your children? Read on and see how despair turned into triumph because she refused to take “No” for an answer.

  • Her despair over her daughterseverely demon-possessed

How it hurts parents, mothers especially, to see their children suffering and in trouble, yet feeling powerless to help them. It’s unclear how this daughter came to be demon-possessed. It was the same for the father whose son’s epilepsy was caused by demons too. 1 Jesus taught that Satan is a mean devil who comes to ‘steal, kill and to destroy lives.’ 2 This mother would have continually gone over things wondering if she was to blame for her daughter’s condition. Whilst we don’t know the answer to that, we do know that she was the catalyst for the miracle that took place by going to Jesus. You can do the same!

  • Her decision to go to Jesus

Jesus wanted it kept quiet that He was in the area, but word got out. Faith comes by hearing and this lady heard a good report about a Jesus who was doing wonderful miracles. People will never be convinced to come if all they hear about is a Jesus pictured in the arms of Mary or still on the cross. Their ears will prick up when Christians start to talk about the One who rose from the dead and sent the power of the Holy Spirit to fill His disciples so they could work miracles through His name. If no one new is coming to your church, it’s time to check out what you are saying about Jesus and find out what the community is hearing about your Jesus. The door was closed to this lady, but her faith said, “I believe it can be opened!” People were talking about what was happening and that stirred her faith into action.

  • Her determination in the face of set-backs

          The disciples were no real help

She would have spoken to them first and may-be they sent her away with a bit of hope, but she was soon back again as nothing had changed.

          The first response of Jesus was to ignore her completely

She was on her knees, begging and crying but nothing seemed to move Jesus. So many times the heavens seem like brass and God a million miles away when we first start praying about a desperate situation. 

          The disciples got fed up with her continual asking

When Jesus kept quiet she pestered them. All they wanted was some peace and quiet, so they urged Jesus to send her away. It’s a shame when Christians get fed up with sufferers continually coming forward for prayer for the same need that remains unanswered.

          Jesus told her she didn’t qualify for help

Jesus had sent out His disciples with the clear instruction to preach and to heal the people of Israel first. 3 This lady was a Gentile, outside of the promises of God that Israel had. The Gentiles’ turn would come shortly for salvation is for everyone, but for now it would seem that she would have to miss out on what she desperately wanted.

Suddenly her eyes were opened and she saw that although she had no rights, she could appeal to God’s grace and mercy as all that was needed was one crumb that had fallen off the table. It’s easy to misunderstand Jesus’ comments as being rude and sexist, but all He was trying to do was to bring her into a position where her faith could be rewarded.

  • Her delight as her prayer is answered‘For this saying, go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter.’

No need to run home to see if something had happened. Great faith believes the word of God, that it will be exactly as she was told. She immediately stopped crying, asking and begging, and started the homeward journey knowing she had got what she wanted. That’s what she found on arriving home – the demon gone and her daughter totally healed. Hallelujah!

What a wonderful Jesus we have who is able to do things like this and He is just the same today. When your children aren’t able or willing to turn to Jesus themselves, you can get answers on their behalf!

Don’t give up until you get what you are asking for. Many will tell you, “It can’t be done, it’s impossible.” Great faith says, ‘With God all things are possible!’ 4

For the full account of the Syro-Phoenician lady read Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30

1 – Mark 9:14-29

2 – John 10:10

3 – Matthew 10:5-6

4 – Mark 10:27


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